We believe that sedhibat.com is a platform that not only provides valuable information and insights to our readers but also creates an avenue for writers to share their knowledge and creativity with the world.

We seek out writers and reviewers who have deep expertise in their field. (Think M.D., Ph.D. L.Ac., etc.) We also love hearing about wellness journeys and publish powerful, transformative personal stories about anything. If you have knowledge or a story to share, please reach out to us. If your submission is accepted you will work with our highly skilled team of editors to sharpen and polish your work.


  • Please put the title of your piece in the subject line and the full text in the body of the email. (No PDF’s, google docs, or attachments please.)
  • Source all claims: If you mention a statistic or a study in your piece, include a link to that source. For Example, If you claim a certain food is healthy, tell us how you know. Use links to peer-reviewed scientific papers and academic journals. (Put relevant links in brackets next to the claim/statement.)
  • Include your bio, highlighting your credentials in the space including where you trained, any books you’ve written, or publications you’ve been featured in.


  • We read every submission we receive but we are a small staff and can’t respond to every submission. If your post has been accepted, we will respond within 14 days.
  • By submitting to kaho@sedhibat.com you acknowledge that you accept our terms and any form of editing the sedhibat.com editorial team deems necessary.
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